Quality scan and guidance of convention venues within Flanders Heritage Venue network of Visit Flanders

CityD has been assigned since 2018 to support Visit Flanders Convention Bureau in the development of the Flanders Heritage Venues network. This network of experiential and quality convention venues offers an international audience the best of what Flanders has to offer.

International appeal  

Visit Flanders wants to promote Flanders internationally as an excellent meeting and conference destination. Heritage is a unique asset in this respect. Flanders has numerous meeting locations in heritage sites and other eventful locations and there is a worldwide interest in 'special venues'. That is why the umbrella 'Flanders Heritage Venues' network was created.

The network stands for experiential and high-quality congress locations. Anyone attending a congress or meeting in Flanders should still remember it years later thanks to the inspiring experience. The network continues to work on experience for the (meeting & congress) visitor and we look at how we can expand this experience digitally as well.

Enhancing heritage experience

Commissioned by Visit Flanders, CityD guides meeting venues in strengthening the (heritage) experience in their infrastructure, communication and services. Meeting locations that successfully complete the guidance process join the 'Flanders Heritage Venues' network, which links heritage and experience to international expectations in terms of quality and service.

Trade fair Antwerp

With the first guidance trajectories, we encourage and support meeting venues with tailor-made advice to determine with which stories, heritage elements, messages, emotions... they are going to position themselves. And with which means (interior interventions, actions, adjustments, products, effects...) they are going to realise their meeting and heritage experience. The guidance process resulted in a clear and consistent strategic concept, a customer journey analysis revealing strengths and weaknesses of the venue and a number of creative proposals

Joining the network after jury approval

Visit Flanders selected several meeting locations. The venues that successfully completed the process presented themselves to a panel of experts. These experts looked at the venue from the point of view of a conference organiser and, as a jury, decided together with Visit Flanders whether the venues could join the 'Flanders Heritage Venues' network.

After the selection rounds in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2023, a total of 31 meeting venues joined the Flanders Heritage Venues network.

Want to know more about our pillar Tourism and leisure and the support we can offer you with our CityD brand? Contact us for a no-obligation (digital) appointment!

This project fits within our activities on Tourism and leisure. CityD assists governments, organisations and businesses in their tourism projects.

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